“Am I Too Old for Singing Lessons?”

Today I received an email from senior that said, "I am 63 years old and I have always wanted to sing - am I too old for singing lessons?”

My answer? No, you are most certainly not too old to sing.

Should you dismiss your hopes and dreams just because you’re getting older? Should you give up your chance to discover your voice? It may just add years to your life. 

Singing is part of the human experience. We do it in the car, we do it at weddings, celebrations and holidays and it's integrated into our daily lives. Singing is something we need to do. If someone were to ask if they can become a superstar recording artist sensation at age 63, the answer would be different. However, nobody is too old to make joyful noise, discover a new skill or reignite your passion for singing.

How old is too old?

Everyone feels old. My 25-year-old students tell me they feel old because they aren’t in school.

My 30-year-old students tell me they feel old because they are starting new families.

My 50-year-old students tell me they have never felt younger.

You can overcome age as a singer. It is just a number.

You can make discoveries and have growth at any age.

Physiological Changes

We can train our voice because it's muscular. We exercise these muscles to produce sound. Yes, it is true things that do happen to the voice with age. Our physical strength does diminish. We have less flexibility and the larynx descends over time.

Does this mean we shouldn’t study? The answer is the exact opposite: Use it or lose it.

The Perfect Time

As a senior, your curiosity for learning is increasing. Your spirit is young. You have a capacity to have great laughter. Your gratitude levels are through the roof. You may have more time to dive into this skill after retirement.

Now is the time to learn how to sing.


Don’t let life go by without discovering or rediscovering the joy of singing.

I would be delighted to help train your voice so that at any age you can enjoy the art of singing. Current studio availability is in Toronto & Hamilton (and virtual).


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