Warning Signs Your Vocal Health is in Danger

Does your throat feel strained or raw? Are you hydrating enough? Do you suffer from partial laryngitis?

If you are nodding your head to any of these questions you may have a voice issue. These are all warning signs that your vocal health is in danger. 



Inflammation caused by acid reflux, heartburn, Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Upper respiratory infections, allergies

Vocal nodules or laryngeal papillomatosis

Voice overuse and misuse

UNCOMMON CAUSES may include:

Spasmodic dysphonia

Vocal fold paralysis

Cancer of the larynx

Most common voice problems can be reversed by treating the underlying cause or through a range of physical exercises and technique. 


1. Balance your liquids. 

If you are like me and love your morning espresso and caffeinated beverages, then be sure to balance your caffeinated liquids with plenty of water. 

2. Hydrate while you Exercise. 

Staying hydrated while you exercise is   imperative for optimal voice health

3. Take a Voice Nap. 

Yes, that is right. Stop talking during the day and rest your voice. If you feel like your voice is tired and hoarse, then avoid speaking and take a voice nap. 

4. Check the side effects of your medication. 

Common cold and allergy medications for example may have a side effect of drying out your vocal folds. Ask your pharmacist and doctor for safe medications and counter balance the meds with plenty of water.

5. Avoid dry air.

 During the winter or dryer months, use a humidifier. 

6. Whispering is just as problematic as screaming.

Either talking too soft or too loud can equally stress your voice mechanisms.

7. Talk with the muscles of inspiration and expiration. 

Don’t speak from your throat. Take some singing lessons to learn about your breathing muscles and to gain the techniques of expiratory control. 

8. Check your neck for tension.

 Is your computer posture  at work all day long hurting or tiring your neck muscles?

9. Observe and monitor your fuel. 

Watch your reaction to your food.  Some foods may be causing your stomach acid to move into the throat or esophagus causing heartburn/ GERD.

10. Sleep. Zzzzzzz!  

 Getting enough rest is key to avoiding physical fatigue.

11. Exercise Daily.

Exercise increases both your muscle tone and body stamina. This will bring good posture and breathing, which are necessary for proper singing.

12. Take Singing Lessons

Take time to learn about your vocal mechanism. It might be as simple as adjusting the range of your repertoire and learning the correct tessitura for your voice.  If your voice damage is being caused by improper use of your voice, taking singing lessons will be a great way for you to investigate how you are producing your sound and how your tone is being supported.  Pay attention to the warning signs. Ignoring them is to risk your entire instrument. Is this something that’s only happened once, or is it a consistent or recurring problem? 

Contact me for help assessing what might be making your vocal production a challenge. I would love to help you with your vocal journey.


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